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TSG: Tijdschrift Voor Gezondheidswetenschappen ; 101(2):29-37, 2023.
Article in Dutch | CINAHL | ID: covidwho-20239697


We explored parent's intention to vaccinate their children aged 5–11 against corona and factors influencing this. A survey, including open and closed questions, was distributed among parents (N = 214, 57,8% female) at booster vaccination locations in Rotterdam. The survey was subdivided in three categories: background variables of the participant (parent), background variables of his/her children, determinants of vaccination-intentions and information needs. Results show that 43% of the parents intended to vaccinate their children. Parents attitude towards vaccination was ambivalent, they rated the likelihood for children to get infected with corona relatively high and the severity of corona for children relatively low. The response to potential harmful effects of the vaccine were ambivalent as well. Attitude was the strongest correlate of vaccination-intention and mediated the effects of likelihood, severity and harmfulness. Most parents would take the decision together with the partner, but also with the child. The open questions showed that the most common reason to vaccinate the child was to protect the child or others. Reasons mentioned for not vaccinating the child were mostly worries regarding side-effects and doubts about the added value of vaccinating children. In the discussion, communication and intervention options to enhance vaccination intentions are described. Samenvatting: We hebben onderzocht wat de bereidheid van ouders is om hun kinderen van 5 tot 11 jaar te laten vaccineren tegen corona en factoren die hieraan bijdragen. Op boostervaccinatielocaties in Rotterdam is aan ouders (N = 214, 57,8 % vrouw) een vragenlijst uitgedeeld met open en gesloten vragen. De vragenlijst was onderverdeeld in drie categorieën: achtergrondvariabelen van de deelnemer (ouder), achtergrondvariabelen van zijn/haar kinderen, en determinanten van vaccinatiebereidheid en informatiebehoeften. De resultaten laten zien dat 43,0 % van de ouders bereid was hun kinderen te vaccineren. Ouders hadden een ambivalente attitude ten aanzien van vaccineren, en schatten de kans op corona bij kinderen relatief hoog en de ernst van corona bij kinderen relatief laag in. De visie op schadelijkheid van het vaccin was ambivalent. Attitude was de sterkste voorspeller van vaccinatie-intentie en medieerde de effecten van kans, ernst en schadelijkheid. Veel ouders zouden de beslissing met de partner, maar ook met het kind nemen. In de open vragen gaven ze als redenen om het kind wel te vaccineren vooral dat ze het kind of anderen wilden beschermen. Redenen om het kind niet te vaccineren waren vooral zorgen over bijwerkingen en twijfel over de meerwaarde van het vaccineren van kinderen. De beschouwing beschrijft communicatie- en interventiemogelijkheden om vaccinatiebereidheid te bevorderen.

Journal of Family Issues ; 44(6):1662-1695, 2023.
Article in English | CINAHL | ID: covidwho-20237381


Since the COVID-19 outbreak, family members have spent more time together at home. This study introduces the concept of "family distancing"—the efforts to prevent the spread of the coronavirus to family members. We explore which demographic characteristics are associated with family distancing efforts and how the family distancing efforts are associated with family conflicts. Survey data were collected from adults (N = 324, M = 37 years;SD = 10.5 years;65.1% female) in Korea. We found that gender, education, marital status, physical health status, and number of family members who live together were significantly associated with family distancing efforts. In addition, lower compliance with the request for family distancing was significantly associated with a higher degree of negative emotions (i.e., anger), which in turn was associated with more family conflict. The findings highlight the potential importance of family distancing efforts to maintain health but also their potential to increase family conflict.

Hospital Employee Health ; 42(5):1-12, 2023.
Article in English | CINAHL | ID: covidwho-2290247
Analyses of Social Issues & Public Policy ; 23(1):106-128, 2023.
Article in English | CINAHL | ID: covidwho-2300783


This study utilizes Social Information Processing (SIP) theory to investigate the relationship between organizational preventive actions (substantive vs. symbolic), employee preventive behavior, the mediating role of conspiracy beliefs, and moderating role of leadership integrity in the context of Covid‐19. The study explains leadership integrity as a boundary condition to facilitate or hinder the mediated relationship between organizational actions and employee preventive behavior (EPB). The hypothesized model was tested using partial least square structural equation modeling (PLS‐SEM) on two‐wave data collected from 281 respondents. The results revealed that substantive actions do not predict EPB directly but through conspiracy beliefs. Contrary to these, symbolic actions negatively predict EPB directly. Leadership integrity moderates the relationship between substantive actions and conspiracy beliefs, while the interaction effect with symbolic actions is not supported. The findings of this study caution managers to walk their talk because employees critically observe the most apparent actions, especially when management fails to practice them. The study contributes to social information processing theory by pointing to leadership integrity as a source of authenticity to curb the negative impact of symbolic actions and catalyst the effect of substantive actions on employee preventive behavior.

Pediatrics ; 151(4):1-12, 2023.
Article in English | CINAHL | ID: covidwho-2276457


OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to provide real-world evidence on coronavirus disease 2019 vaccine effectiveness (VE) against symptomatic infection and severe outcomes caused by Omicron in children aged 5 to 11 years. METHODS: We used the test-negative study design and linked provincial databases to estimate BNT162b2 vaccine effectiveness against symptomatic infection and severe outcomes caused by Omicron in children aged 5 to 11 years between January 2 and August 27, 2022 in Ontario. We used multivariable logistic regression to estimate VE by time since the latest dose, compared with unvaccinated children, and we evaluated VE by dosing interval. RESULTS: We included 6284 test-positive cases and 8389 test-negative controls. VE against symptomatic infection declined from 24% (95% confidence interval [CI], 8% to 36%) 14 to 29 days after a first dose and 66% (95% CI, 60% to 71%) 7 to 29 days after 2 doses. VE was higher for children with dosing intervals of ≥56 days (57% [95% CI, 51% to 62%]) than 15 to 27 days (12% [95% CI, - 11% to 30%]) and 28 to 41 days (38% [95% CI, 28% to 47%]), but appeared to wane over time for all dosing interval groups. VE against severe outcomes was 94% (95% CI, 57% to 99%) 7 to 29 days after 2 doses and declined to 57% (95%CI, -20% to 85%) after ≥120 days. CONCLUSIONS: In children aged 5 to 11 years, 2 doses of BNT162b2 provide moderate protection against symptomatic Omicron infection within 4 months of vaccination and good protection against severe outcomes. Protection wanes more rapidly for infection than severe outcomes. Overall, longer dosing intervals confer higher protection against symptomatic infection, however protection decreases and becomes similar to shorter dosing interval starting 90 days after vaccination.

British Journal of Midwifery ; 31(3):157-164, 2023.
Article in English | CINAHL | ID: covidwho-2274598


Background: Correct use of personal protective equipment is vital to minimise the risk of patients acquiring healthcare-associated infections. These measures are also important in preventing exposure to occupational infection. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the use of personal protective equipment was associated with anxiety, uncertainty and additional training requirements. This study investigated midwives' experiences using personal protective equipment during the pandemic. Methods: This systematic scoping review searched seven academic databases and grey literature. Data analysis was conducted using a thematic analysis framework. Results: A total of 16 studies were included. Four themes were found: 'fear and anxiety', 'personal protective equipment/resources', 'education and training needs' and 'communication'. Conclusions: Management and administration inconsistences, logistical issues and lack of training on personal protective equipment led to midwives' negative feedback. A gap has been identified in the exploration of midwives' experiences as personal protective equipment end-users during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Journal of Aesthetic Nursing ; 12(2):75-77, 2023.
Article in English | CINAHL | ID: covidwho-2271582


In this regular feature, aesthetic nurse Claudia McGloin presents a brief synopsis of a range of recently published articles on medical aesthetics. Research roundup aims to provide an overview, rather than a detailed summary and critique, of the papers selected. Should you wish to look at any of the papers in more detail, a full reference is provided at the end of each study summary

Nursing Children & Young People ; 35(2):6-8, 2023.
Article in English | CINAHL | ID: covidwho-2256694


New data show vaccination coverage for young children fell in 2021-22 for virtually all programmes. Uptake was falling before the pandemic, and COVID-19 is likely to have had a further effect on parents having their children vaccinated.

British Journal of Social Work ; 53(2):1204-1224, 2023.
Article in English | CINAHL | ID: covidwho-2250100


Like many settings worldwide, Hong Kong has recently been combatting the COVID-19 pandemic. Ethnic minorities have reported perceived discrimination via local media outlets. They have been stereotyped as virus spreaders due to the increasing number of confirmed cases and untraceable COVID-19 clusters in Hong Kong. Using a social justice framework, this qualitative study explores gaps in COVID-19 prevention practices to eliminate systemic barriers for ethnic minorities in Hong Kong. Fifteen interviews were conducted with social service providers who worked closely with ethnic minority groups (South and Southeast Asian groups from low-income households, foreign domestic workers and asylum seekers and refugees) during the fourth wave of the COVID-19 pandemic in Hong Kong. This study yielded six themes using thematic analysis as follows: (i) lacking mental health support for diverse ethnic minority groups;(ii) lacking efforts to eliminate perceived discrimination;(iii) existing language barriers across diverse services;(iv) lacking channels to disseminate accurate information;(v) a need for advanced technology and (vi) lacking appropriate surgical mask sizes for some ethnic minority individuals. This study recommends culturally responsive practices in Hong Kong.

Disease Prevention & Public Health Journal ; 17(1):116-123, 2023.
Article in English | CINAHL | ID: covidwho-2286381
HIV Nursing ; 23(2):165-180, 2023.
Article in English | CINAHL | ID: covidwho-2248841


The coronavirus (COVID-19) is a global public health pandemic disease emerged from the novel strain of the coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) that caused severe acute respiratory syndrome. It is the most significant respiratory illness that has affected the world since World War II. Currently, there is no globally approved drug for the treatment of pandemic COVID-19 except for some recently approved vaccines. Instead, various non-specific treatment options are being utilized by different countries. While some of these are effective, there is a lack of well-documented studies on the impact of traditional medicines on the management of SARS-CoV-2 in vitro and in silico. For thousands of years, traditional healers have been using various herbs and spices products and dietary plants to treat various diseases. This review aims to provide information on the use of traditional spices & herbs in COVID-19 protection and treatment and present the main characteristics of these products and their potential antiviral actions. Various databases were searched for articles related to the use of various herbs for the treatment of viral infections. Many of these studies show that various plant compounds can be utilized for the treatment of viral infections. This study aims to summarize the common used of herbal products and dietary supplements with potent bioactive compounds in treatment or prevent of COVID-19.

Hospital Employee Health ; 42(3):1-12, 2023.
Article in English | CINAHL | ID: covidwho-2247478


The article offers information on how U.S. Food and Drug Administration is streamlining COVID-19 vaccine to a single formula. Topics include information on how FDA's Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC) has voted unanimously to simplify the vaccine process;how multiple vaccine doses and boosters have caused confusion and pandemic apathy;and importance of vaccines.

Nover ; 36(1):22-27, 2023.
Article in Hungarian | CINAHL | ID: covidwho-2265028


Purpose: The aim of our study is to present the results of the mobile sampling of the National Public Health Center during the Covid-19 pandemic, the implementation process of the screening buses of the program "We bring the screening tests in place” as static points, as well as the spatial and temporal frequency of use. Methods: Our retrospective analysis was performed in Pest County between 12th of November, 2020 and 18th of April 2022 by evaluating the Covid-19 sampling results from screening buses (N=164,576). Descriptive statistical methods were used to process the data. Results: In most cases, the screening was carried out in the patient's car, which reduced the risk of infection and ensured the safety and smoothness of the work by moving quickly through the screening point. Sampling was performed using AbottTM, Clintest® and VivaDiagTM rapid tests, and in case of a negative result, another nasopharyngeal sampling was performed for RT-PCR. An average of 504 samples were taken per day, of which on average almost 1⁄3(31.41%) were positive. Conclusion: The advantage of the screening buses was the ability to perform a significant number of tests, their mobility, the fact that they can be placed in easily accessible locations and the reduced risk of infection. Mass testing at static points has proven to be an efficient process that can be used in the future if the need arises. Célkitűzés: Tanulmányunk célja a Covid-19-járvány során a Nemzeti Népegészségügyi Központ mobil mintavételezésének, a „Helybe visszük a szűrővizsgálatokat” program szűrőbuszainak statikus pontként történő megvalósítási folyamatának, illetve területi és időbeni igénybevételi gyakoriságának, eredményeinek bemutatása. Vizsgálat módszere: Retrospektív elemzésünk Budapesten és Pest megyében 2020. november 12. és 2022. április 18. között a szűrőbuszokon végzett Covid-19-mintavételi leleteinek értékelésével valósult meg (N=164 576). A kapott adatok feldolgozásához leíró statisztikai módszereket alkalmaztunk. Eredmények: A teszteléseket legtöbb esetben a páciens személygépjárműjében végeztük el, ami csökkentette az infektálódás kockázatát, illetve a szűrőponton való gyors áthaladás szavatolta a munka biztonságát és gördülékenységét is. A mintavételezések során az AbottTM, a Clintest®, valamint a VivaDiagTM rapid tesztjeit használtuk, negatív eredmény esetén újabb nasopharingealis mintavétel történt RT-PCR elvégzése céljából. Naponta átlagosan 504 mintavétel valósult meg, amelynek átlagosan közel egyharmada (31,41%) mutatott pozitivitást. Következtetések: A szűrőbuszok előnye a nagyszámú tesztek elvégzésének lehetőségében, a mozgathatóságban, a mindenki számára könnyen megközelíthető pontokra való kihelyezésben, valamint a fertőződés kockázatának csökkentésében mutatkozott meg. A tömeges tesztelések statikus pontokon való lebonyolítása hatékonynak bizonyult, amely folyamatot a jövőben is alkalmazhatunk, ha arra szükség lesz.

American Journal of Public Health ; 113(2):133-135, 2023.
Article in English | CINAHL | ID: covidwho-2244548
Infection Control Today ; 27(1):22-23, 2023.
Article in English | CINAHL | ID: covidwho-2244389
Infection Control Today ; 27(1):14-14, 2023.
Article in English | CINAHL | ID: covidwho-2244303
Journal of Nursing Care Quality ; 38(1):19-25, 2023.
Article in English | CINAHL | ID: covidwho-2243142


Purpose: To identify leadership styles and staffing strategies in Missouri long-term care (LTC) facilities that stood out among their peers as "positive deviants" with regard to COVID-19 infections and staffing shortages. Methods: Statewide survey of all LTC facilities to identify exemplar facilities with stable staffing and low rates of COVID-19. Interviews with senior leaders were conducted in 10 facilities in the state to understand the strategies employed that led to these "positive outliers." A result-based educational program was designed to describe their actions and staff reactions. Results: Exemplar leaders used transformational leadership style. Top reasons for their success were as follows: (1) trusting and supportive staff relationships;(2) positive presence and communication;and (3) use of consistent staffing assignments. Strong statewide participation was noted in the educational programs.

Infection Control Today ; 27(1):24-27, 2023.
Article in English | CINAHL | ID: covidwho-2242538
Children & Society ; 37(1):183-198, 2023.
Article in English | CINAHL | ID: covidwho-2242079


This paper examines the reflections of a cohort of Australian children who lived through the 2020–21 COVID‐19 pandemic and experienced being in 'lockdown';a state of largely being confined to the home for long periods daily. We report how children reflect on their experiences and illustrate how reflections draw on similar topics focused on localised child concerns regarding health, education, family, digital engagement, mealtimes and food. Further, we argue for the importance of including children's own voices of lived experience in reports regarding life during the pandemic since these perspectives may differ from those reported by adults on children's behalf.